According to section 13 of the Danish Code of Professional Ethics, we must provide our clients with the following information on our own initiative:

Legal entity
GALST, VAT no. 32 28 55 70, is domiciled at the address Gammel Strand 44, DK-1202 Copenhagen K.

Admission to practice law
Our attorneys are all admitted to practice law by the Danish Ministry of Justice and are registered as such with the Danish Bar and Law Society (Advokatsamfundet) of which they are members.

Liability insurance
Compulsory liability insurance has been taken out and guarantees are provided according to the rules laid down by the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the lawyers' liability insurance covers all aspects of practising law regardless of where law is practised. The insurance information is provided in a separate section on this website, to which reference is made.

Limitation of liability and applicable law and jurisdiction clause
In any client relationship, a limitation of liability and governing law and jurisdiction clause is agreed as explicitly specified in our terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions apply unless changes have specifically been agreed in relation to this. The terms and conditions are provided in a separate section on this website, to which reference is made.

Legal aid, etc.
When we take on a case for a client, we look into the possibilities of public legal aid or cover under a legal expenses insurance policy, according to applicable law or insurance taken out by the client. To be able to look into such possibilities, clients are required to send a copy of their insurance policy and tax assessment notice.

Own payment for public legal aid may be necessary. We provide information on this matter and refer to the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

The deductible for legal expenses insurance is typically 10%; however, not less than DKK 2,500.00. The maximum cover may vary. The deductible is not payable if the client satisfies the financial conditions for free legal aid. Preparatory legal work, including assessment of cases prior to a specific dispute, is not covered by the legal expenses insurance and is invoiced separately. This also applies to claims exceeding the maximum cover. Special terms and conditions for legal expenses insurance apply to businesses and owners' and cooperative housing societies. The client can obtain the exact conditions from the client's insurance company.

Danish Code of Professional Ethics
All Danish attorneys are subject to the rules of the Danish Administration of Justice Act on professional conduct. The General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society monitors compliance with the rules on professional conduct and has prepared the Danish Code of Professional Ethics which lays down strict requirements for the professional standard and ethics of attorneys.

The Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society ensures compliance with the rules on professional conduct and may impose sanctions if the rules are violated.
The rules on professional conduct constitute a standard of conduct including regulations on a) duty of confidentiality under which attorneys and their employees are required to treat information received through their work confidentially and b) conflicts of interests in situations where the attorney cannot advise a client without conflicting with other interests. For further information about the rules on professional conduct and the General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society, please see the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society. The website of the Danish Bar and Law Society contains information about the rules on professional conduct and complaints procedure, etc.

Insider trading
All of our employees are subject to rules which satisfy the requirements of the Danish Securities Trading Act on the disclosure of inside information on listed companies and restrictions for trading of listed securities.

Money laundering regulations
We are also subject to the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. According to the act, we are required to collect and store identity information of clients for five years. Clients must therefore state their name, address and civil registration number or CVR no. when a case is created and as appropriate show documentation to that effect. For companies, information and documentation must also be provided of the actual ownership structure.
The Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism also requires us to investigate transactions if they are suspected to be related to money laundering or financing of terrorism. In this connection, we may also be required to notify the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic Crime or the Danish Bar and Law Society.