
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, these Terms and Conditions apply to all legal assistance provided to clients by GALST Advokataktieselskab, VAT no. 32 28 55 70, including Galst & Altschuler Sundhedsretsadvokater, SVEGA Advokatinkasso and GALST Selskaber. For GALST Selskaber, special rules in section 14 apply, which prioritise services provided by GALST Selskaber.

The terms and conditions were last revised on 14th of February 2024.


With a corporate client, the scope of the agreed case will be discussed on an ongoing basis, and unless otherwise agreed, the fee will be calculated according to our usual framework for calculation of fees, see below. With a private client, a written contract specifying the scope of the case and the agreed fee will always be drawn up in advance.

We provide all services in accordance with the stipulations of the Danish Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers and the regulations for lawyers set out in the Danish Administration of Justice Act.

Intellectual property rights to material prepared by GALST Advokataktieselskab belong to GALST Advokataktieselskab, unless otherwise expressly agreed.

Duty of confidentiality

All employees at GALST Advokataktieselskab are subject to a duty of confidentiality. All information we receive about a client in connection with a case is treated confidentially, unless it is apparent from the circumstances that the information is not of a confidential nature.

Conflicts of interest

When we receive a case we ensure, in accordance with the regulations of the Danish Bar and Law Society and our own internal procedures, that there is no basis for disqualification or conflict of interest. If during the case it becomes evident that we are in a situation of disqualification or conflict of interest that will require us to relinquish the case, we will be pleased to refer you to another attorney.

Determination of fees

Our legal fees are determined based on the regulations set out in the Danish Administration of Justice Act and the Danish Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers. Our fee is calculated on the basis of the complexity of the case, the importance of the case to the client, the value of the case, the outcome of the case, the responsibility associated with the performance of the services needed in the case, and the time and specialist knowledge used in connection with our assistance, as well as the time spent on fulfilling statutory requirements in relation to the preparation of the case, including e.g. money laundering clarification, Know Your Customer (KYC), DAC6 and GDPR. Replies to legal letters from clients’ auditors are invoiced according to time spent, see below.

Clients are invoiced separately for outlay and other relevant costs in connection with the advice provided, including, for example, transport and accommodation. Clients pay these costs in addition to the legal fees.

We normally invoice clients for the time spent monthly in arrears.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the following hourly rates are used to determine fees:

  • Partners (Hans Christian Galst, Christian Steen Laursen, Majken Korsgaard and Kristian Dreyer) DKK 3,750 before VAT or DKK 4,687.50 including VAT.
  • Lawyers Regitze Elmsted, Peter Jakobsen and Lotte Lundin DKK 3,200 before VAT or DKK 4,000 including VAT.
  • Lawyers Anders Hebbelstrup Jensen, Sabrina Bolvig Olsen and Henrik Drewes Rasmussen DKK 3,000 before VAT or DKK 3,750 including VAT
  • Legal assistant Freshta Victoria Fana DKK 2.300 before VAT or 2.875 including VAT
  • First year legal assistants  DKK 1.600,00 before VAT or DKK 2,000 including VAT. 

These hourly rates may be adjusted during the course of the case without notice and are valid from the time of the adjustment until the next adjustment. In the event of an adjustment, the customer will be informed. The applicable hourly rates are always available under "Terms and Conditions" at our website www.galst.dk.

 We reserve the right to request payment of an advance fee prior to commencing work on a case.

Payment terms

Our payment terms are net cash, and our fee therefore falls due for payment upon issuance of the invoice or subject to 14-day payment terms, which will be set out specifically in the invoice under Terms of Payment.

In the event of late payment, interest will be charged in accordance with the general regulations set out in the Danish Interest Act. VAT is added to the fee according to current rules.

Client funds

All "client funds" are managed in accordance with the regulations set out by the Danish Bar and Law Society and will be placed in a "client account". 

Accrued client account interest will accrues to GALST Advokataktieselskab. Accrued (negative) interest will be charged to the client.

Client funds are protected under the Danish Depositor and Investor Guarantee Scheme Act. As of 1 June 2015, protection is limited to €100,000 per client per financial institution. GALST Advokataktieselskab is not liable for any loss of client funds that may result from the financial institution’s becoming distressed or that may result from limitation of coverage from the Depositor Guarantee Fund.

Insider knowledge

We have in place regulations which apply to everyone in the firm regarding the disclosure of insider knowledge on listed companies and restrictions for trading of listed securities. These regulations also apply to family members and cohabiting partners.

Money laundering regulations

We are covered by the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering, and we therefore have a duty to report any irregularities to the authorities.

According to this Act, we have a duty to obtain identity information from new clients as well as from existing clients who have not previously submitted identity information.

Termination of cases and withdrawal

Either party may terminate the contract or working relationship at any time. Termination by us may be justified, for example, if the payment deadline in an invoice is significantly exceeded, if withdrawal is deemed to be in the client's best interest, if the client becomes insolvent, or if other compelling reasons are present, including an unsatisfactory working relationship. We endeavour to ensure that withdrawal takes place without undue hardship and that the client is given the opportunity to seek advice and representation from another lawyer. Withdrawal does not entail that any claim for payment of fees will lapse.


We always do our best to ensure that our clients are satisfied. If there are aspects of our case management with which a client is not satisfied, the client can contact the partner responsible to discuss the issue and find an amicable solution.

The client also has the option to file a formal complaint with the Danish Bar and Law Society. In such a case, a complaint must be filed with the Danish Bar and Law Society no later than one year after the client becomes aware of the matter about which the client wishes to complain. However, we recommend that the client discuss the matter with us before filing a complaint and that any complaint be filed as soon as possible and preferably within three months.

It is also possible to submit a complaint to the Danish Bar and Law Society regarding our fees. The deadline for submitting a complaint regarding a lawyer's fees is one year. The deadline is calculated from the time of final settlement of the fee.

Contact details for the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society: The Secretariat of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K. Website: http://www.advokatsamfundet.dk/Advokatnaevnet.aspx and email: klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk

Liability, limitation of liability and limitation period

We are liable in accordance with the general rules of Danish law. In the case of simple or gross negligence on our part, liability is limited to a maximum amount of DKK 75 million per year and the liability coverage of the board of directors to a total of DKK 10 million per year for each lawyer. Clients should to pay particular attention to this limitation of liability. We have the option of specifically increasing coverage, for an additional fee, if a client wishes us to accept more liability.

We are insured with Codan Forsikring A/S, Gammel Kongevej 60, DK-1790 København V, (CVR: 41 96 39 48). If and when the size of a case so requires, we will upon agreement with the client take out additional insurance for the case in question. GALST Advokataktieselskab, our partners and employees are not liable for indirect losses or operating losses, including loss of data, loss of profit, goodwill, image or similar conditions.

Any claims may only be made against GALST Advokataktieselskab and hence not against an individual employee. We are not liable for any errors committed by other consultants to whom we have referred the client, and we are likewise are not liable for any errors committed by subcontractors to whom we have entrusted parts of the case in agreement with the client.

If the client is a business, claims for damages against GALST Advokataktieselskab are statute-barred 12 months after the client becomes aware, or should have become aware, of the circumstances justifying a claim. However, the statute of limitations begins to apply no later than 3 years after the advice on which the claim is based was provided.

Choice law and jurisdiction

Our advisory services and our Terms and Conditions are subject to Danish law, except where conflict of laws invoke the application of foreign law. Any disputes between GALST Advokataktieselskab and the client may only be brought before the Danish courts.


The following Terms and Conditions apply when you order new registration of private and public limited liability companies via www.galstselskaber.dk.

The website is operated and its services are provided by GALST Selskaber, CVR no. A/S 32 28 55 70, which has the following registered address:


GALST Selskaber

c/o Galst Advokataktieselskab

Gammel Strand 44

DK-1202 Copenhagen K.


GALST Selskaber is owned by Galst Advokataktieselskab.

We are a member of the Danish Bar and Law Society and the Association of Danish Law Firms.

Unless another separate agreement has been concluded, the following terms and conditions also apply:

When you send an order for a company via our order module, you provide a wide range of information  some of which constitutes personal data, including for both legal entities and private individuals.

If you are an attorney or auditor or other adviser, and if you order a company or other service from us on behalf of your own client, you have an independent responsibility for ensuring that these persons/legal entities have provided every necessary consent, including consent to join the company's management, group of owners, or group of founders. As a proxy holder/representative, you guarantee that every necessary consent has been obtained.

If you are a private individual or company, we will send you a memorandum of association with associated articles of association and power of attorney to be signed by all persons/entities before registration can take place. If any of the shareholders is prevented from signing, that shareholder must authorise another shareholder to sign.

In common with all other law firms, we are subject to the Danish Anti-Money Laundering Act. In section 1(1)(13) and (14) of the Danish Anti-Money Laundering Act, it is provided that the formation of companies and related work/consultancy are subject to the obligation to collect and store statutory identity information. As a result, we must receive photo identification in the form of a passport copy or driver's licence. If the founder is an alien, we must have official proof of the person's registered address abroad. For foreign companies, it applies that we must receive a company registration certificate from the relevant country's registration authority which must state who the owner is. There must be identity information for all persons included in the registration of the company. We store the identity information.

If  in the case of incorporation using cash the capital deposit is not transferred to our client account, the capital must be documented in the form of a statement confirmed by your bank, and made out in the company's name. The fee percentage must be credited to our client account, or documented as transferred before a draft is provided.

Immediately after your entry, you will receive confirmation of your order to the email address provided at the end of the order module. Once the capital has been received or paid in all the  abovementioned documents have been submitted, the incorporation document with the relevant Articles of association will be sent, and the right of cancellation will cease. The company's documents are only delivered electronically only, in the form of files in PDF format (Adobe Reader®). You will always be able to receive these in an editable format if desired.

Any business relationship, any advice, any contract any purchase from/with us are subject to Danish law, and the Danish courts have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to settlement of disputes. However, Danish conflict of law rules that call for application of laws than Danish (foreign law) do not apply.

Legal action must be brought before the Copenhagen District Court with the usual right to appeal to the Eastern High Court. In the event of legal action, you as well as the company are obliged to appear before the Copenhagen City Court and/or the Eastern High Court following due notice.


Company documents provided in connection with registration are the following:

Memorandum of association

Articles of association

Register of shareholders

Certificate of incorporation (compiled summary) Invoice

Other documents can be purchased according to separate agreement and separate payment.

Delivery always takes place to the email address provided by the orderer in the order module. We assume no responsibility if the email address is incorrectly entered or does not work for technical reasons, also if SPAM filters or the like prevent expected and usual delivery.

Usual delivery time is up to several hours after the signed incorporation document and articles of association have been retured to us (preferably by email or as a scanned copy in PDF format) . together with other documentation as stated above.

For incorporation of companies, the following price sheet applies in Danish kroner and with the VAT rate applicable at any time, subject to reservation. The current VAT rate is listed below:

Conversion of a private limited company to a public limited company                             DKK 5,000.00

Conversion of a public limited company to a private limited company                             DKK 5,000.00

Formation of a limited liability company (ApS)                                                                 DKK 3,000.00

Formation of a public limited liability company (A/S)                                                        DKK 4,000.00

Formation of a private limited liability operating company and holding company             DKK 4,500.00

Formation of a public limited liability operating company and holding company              DKK 5,500.00

Vat A TAX (tax deducted at source)/LABOUR MARKET CONTRIBUTION                      DKK    500.00 + 25% VAT

Invoices are usually issued to the newly registered company, unless otherwise agreed. Fees can be deducted from the capital deposits prior to payment from our client account.

You have the right to cancel your order although any order is considered a business relationship. The right of cancellation lapses as stated in clause 1.6 when we have received the order and the company capital has been paid or it has been documented that it has been paid into the company’s account, and we have knowledge of this. The right of cancellation may be exercised free of charge. Cancellation of an order for a company must take place in writing to info@galst.dk. Any amount paid by you (fee share and any company capital paid) will be returned to you as soon as possible within one week at the latest. In the event of cancellation, there is no interest on amounts paid.

We will cancel your order if, after repeated inquiries, we do not receive the above documentation or payment. One month after receipt and failure to respond to our inquiries regarding follow-up, the case will be closed without further notice.

Longer delivery times may occur if the Danish Business Authority's online system is unstable or out of order, including any delay by third parties (suppliers of our IT systems etc.). However, we will always keep you closely informed during such a process. We disclaim any responsibility for the consequences of the delay, also with regard to your other legal transactions that may be related to GALST Selskaber. It has been agreed that we are not liable for any operating loss, loss of profit, consequential loss or other indirect loss of any kind.

The company and the company legal documents are etablished are based on your own entries, and you are yourself responsible for the correctness of these. On receipt of corporate documents, it is always your responsibility to review them yourself to identify any errors on our part and to ensure that your own errors are corrected. Complaints regarding any errors on our part must be received by us no later than 10 days from receipt. After expiry of the time allowed for complaints, notice of lack of conformity can no longer be made. If you identify an error in the registration in relation to your order, you must immediately notify info@galst.dk and inform us of the nature of the error, the case record number and the company's CVR number.

The following terms apply to your information to the extent that the information is to be considered personal data within the meaning of the Danish Data Protection Act. Personal data within the meaning of the Danish Data Protection Act include inter alia information about natural persons' names, addresses, etc., including corresponding information about sole proprietorships as well as the name and position of employees in companies or public authorities. The information that you provide to us in connection with your purchase (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) as well as information that you may otherwise provide to us, is treated confidentially in accordance with the Act on the Operation of Legal Professions (confidentiality) and is used to process your order and in connection with other contact with you. Personal data is transmitted between us in non-encrypted form. Personal data is stored by us in a database on a secure server to which there is no public access from the internet. We only store your personal data to the extent that it is legal.

According to the Danish Data Protection Act, you have a right of access to and rectification of the personal data relating to you. You can also object to further processing of your personal data.

Our website collects information about your identity and behaviour. For this purpose,we use of so-called "cookies". The information is used to describe how our website is used, including for statistical purposes. All information collected is treated confidentially and is not transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA. The information is processed by an external data processor which hosts our website. For more information on potential registration of personal information, please do not hesitate contact us. 

In addition, the general terms and conditions of Galst Advokataktieselskab apply. They are described in sections 1-13. These are always available in electronic form at www.galst.dk, to which reference is made.